Showcasing and enriching collections for discovery and engagement
Our approach to delivering content discovery solutions combines design thinking and creativity with the latest developments in data modelling, machine learning, and AI.
We prioritise user-centered techniques to ensure what is delivered to the target user is carefully considered and validated every step of the way. We combine data transformation and metadata enrichment with innovative interface design, to enhance the potential discoverability of content. We have built ‘generous interfaces’ and visualisations to enable users to access information and make connections that would otherwise be missed.
Our approach often includes the use of machine learning and AI models to generate supporting metadata for cataloguing assistance, text classification, summarisation, image or handwriting recognition, and so forth. We also incorporate linked data models and ontologies and employ established reference vocabularies to support both discoverability and linking with other collections.
Our IIIF-native open source products and components provide interoperable collection access and enable us to deliver common functionality at low cost so that more of your budget can be put towards innovation and tailoring project outputs for your unique user needs and organisational priorities.

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